About Us

About Us

Progleton News is a news aggregator website and service that provides users with access to news stories from a variety of sources. We collect and organize news stories from thousands of websites, blogs, and other sources, and present them to our users in a single, easy-to-use interface.

We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality news and information, regardless of their budget or location. That's why we offer our service for free. We also believe that it's important for users to be able to trust the news they're reading, so we carefully curate our sources and only include news outlets that are known for their accuracy and reliability.

In addition to providing users with access to news stories, we also offer a variety of other features, such as:

·       The ability to create custom news feeds so that users can only see the news that's most important to them

·       The ability to save stories for later reading

·       The ability to share stories on social media

·       A variety of tools for analysing and understanding the news

We are committed to providing our users with the best possible news experience. We are constantly working to improve our service and add new features, and we always welcome feedback from our users.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make it easy for people to stay informed about the world around them. We believe that everyone has the right to access high-quality news and information, and we are committed to providing our users with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their lives.

Our Values

We believe that the following values are essential to our mission:

·       Accuracy: We are committed to providing our users with accurate and reliable news information.

·       Transparency: We are transparent about our sources and our methods of news aggregation.

·       Fairness: We strive to present all sides of a story in a fair and unbiased manner.

·       Independence: We are independent of any political or commercial interests.

·       Accessibility: We strive to make our service accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget or location.

We are committed to upholding these values in everything we do. We believe that by doing so, we can help to create a more informed and engaged citizenry.


Progleton News @2023