Defense specialist encounters unidentified object 'going faster than the speed of sound underwater' while doing classified work on the Navy's USS Hampton submarine

9 months ago 25

Satellites are searching for alien life on distant planets, but a scientist's strange encounter suggests we may want to look deeper into our world.

Bob McGwire, a professor at Virginia Tech and with the Institute for Defense Analyses, was carrying out classified work on the USS Hampton submarine when he heard the sound of 'something whizzing by.'

The onboard sonar determined the unidentified submerged object (USO) was traveling through the water faster than the speed of sound, he has calimed.

Such speeds underwater should have crushed the submarine, according to McGwire, but he said it was as if they were standing still.

Bob McGwire, a professor at Virginia Tech and with the Institute for Defense Analyses, was carrying out classified work on the USS Hampton submarine. He took a picture of himself on the bow before the sub went underwater

McGwire said he urged the naval team to report the encounter, but they determined it would hinder the mission.

'When I left there with the knowledge in my head, not having been told to be quiet, not having been told it was classified... It is mine to tell whoever I want. They blew it,' McGwire said, noting he would not discuss the classified work done on the sub.'

The strange incident happened in the late 1990s, but McGwire recently came forward with the story on the YouTube channel UAP Society, where he wanted to 'blow the whole thing wide open.'

The story has also resurfaced online, sparking the attention of many people on social media who 'wonder what it was.' 

McGwire has not shared what he was doing on the the Navy submarine, the location and depth it was at due to the information being classified.

The engagement lasted for just a few seconds, he said.

'We were underway, and, all of a sudden, I heard a sound. It is really strange and clear that something is whizzing by us,' said McGwire.

The Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Hampton (SSN 767) is assigned to Submarine Squadron 11 in San Diego, California.

McGwire boarded the sub from an undisclosed location and snapped a picture before heading down into the depths of the sea. 

The strange encounter happened in the late 1990s, but McGwire recently came forward with the story on the YouTube channel UAP Society, where he wanted to 'blow the whole thing wide open'

The USS Hampton is limited by how fast it can travel due to the incompressibility of water in front of it, but the USO 'blew by' the sub.

'A person with knowledge of onboard systems' who was likely monitoring the sonar tech is said to have announced that something just soared past the submarine faster than the speed of sound, McGwire said during the YouTube interview.

Sound travels faster in water, about 3,330 miles per hour because the liquid is about 1,000 times denser than air. 

The only manmade object comparable would be Russia's Shkval torpedo, but this can only hit speeds of 230 miles per hour.

And the fastest sea animal is the sailfish, which can swim 68 miles per hour.

Lehto said that McGwire 'has extensive experience in the Navy' and has done work with classified radio frequencies.

The USS Omaha filmed a round object in 2016, which was making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean

McGwire has also served as a high-security-clearance intelligence officer and has a Ph.D. from Brown University.

While the account is bizarre, McGwire's statements echo the 2021 video showing US Naval personnel having a close encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO).

The object was filmed by a camera aboard the USS Omaha as it sailed off the coast of San Diego in July 2019. 

Two unidentified crew members could be heard exclaiming: 'Wow, it splashed,' after the ball made a controlled flight over the ocean, then splashed into the sea and disappeared underwater. 

They filmed the object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean. 

Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shared the footage on Mystery Wire.

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