Four homeless people die within a week in Belfast

2 months ago 13

BBC Welcome Organisation workers kneel on the ground in an attempt to speak to a person in a blue sleeping bagBBC

BBC News NI spent 24 hours with the Welcome Organisation as it navigates losing its drop-in premises

BBC News NI spent 24 hours with the outreach team at the Welcome Organisation to understand how the charity is coping as demand for homeless services surge.

Resources 'the same as a decade ago'

Outreach manager Ellie Hiplsey works with her team to support the most vulnerable people living on the streets in the city.

Her job is very complex and the rise in homelessness and drug use has made the role even more difficult.

"We are seeing a real increase in homelessness and in drug taking," she said.

"We have met that increase with the same resources we had available to us 10 years ago.

"We have the same staffing numbers, we have the same finances coming in and we're still responding."

A woman with tattoos on her arms and long brown hair wearing a black polo shirt looks at the camera

Ellie works within Welcome's outreach team in Belfast

The change in the types of drugs people are using in Belfast is very obvious.

Cocaine is the drug of choice now due to its availability, and most people are injecting it.

The UK government previously said 84% of those injecting drugs in Northern Ireland were injecting cocaine.

That's compared to just over 5% in 2018.

"People are injecting 20 to 30 times a day - that's 20 to 30 new holes in your body," Ellie said.

"People are more confident when they are using cocaine, they're more brazen."

A woman with long highlighted hair kneels down to speak to someone on the street in Belfast. She is wearing a black Welcome Organisation fleece.

Addictions are a problem for many of those living on the street, volunteers say

With four people dying on the streets in a week, the outreach team are concerned.

"Not all of these were drug-related deaths, one was a blind man with quite complicated health issues," Ellie said.

"He was released from Maghaberry [prison] with no GP, no medication and a long history of heart attacks.

"He died in his tent."

A blue tent is erected in the middle of a small woodlands

Some of the city's homeless are living in tents

The issue is complex, and many members of the team stressed that a home would not solve everyone's problems.

That is the case for one woman we met sleeping in a shop doorway in the city centre.

Susan (not her real name) has a tenancy in Belfast, but she chooses to sleep in a sleeping bag in the city centre.

She has complex needs and is also dependent on drugs.

“I know it sounds mad to people but I just can't settle in a house," she said.

"It’s too quiet, I don’t like being alone.

“I am used to sleeping on the streets, I’ve been doing this for 13 years”.

One wage away from homelessness

Although many living on the streets have complex lives with drug and alcohol dependencies, others just need a home.

Amanda and Ronnie McCracken missed two payments on their rent and were made homeless.

They spent three weeks in temporary accommodation, but are now living on the streets after that fell through.

At the time of speaking, they were living in CS Lewis Square in east Belfast.

"I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, it's a nightmare," Ronnie said.

A man and woman wearing a jumper and large coats look at the camera. In the background, their belongings are in a B&M bag, a pink handbag and a children's backpack

Amanda and Ronnie McCracken have been living on the streets after missing rent payments

The couple spent two nights in Belfast city centre, but said the experience was "terrifying".

"The first night we didn't sleep, we sat up on a bench cold and afraid," Ronnie said.

"The second night we found a spot behind a bin to stay.

"I never believed the saying you're only one wage slip away from being homeless and it is really true."

'I don't feel safe'

As the shift drew to a close for the outreach team, the night had just begun for those sleeping on the streets of Belfast.

A few hours later, the team were back on the road again “checking everyone was alive and well”.

The outreach team received a phone call to say that Amanda and Ronnie had been robbed.

Their last remaining possessions were gone.

“I am broken, I cannot believe someone would do this to us," Amanda said.

"I don’t feel safe anymore.

"When a person is down and for someone to kick us like that, it’s just the final straw for me.

"There’s nowhere for us to feel safe."

What's next for the Welcome Centre?

The Housing Executive has warned about a £111m gap in the Department for Communities (DfC) budget.

The worry now is that homelessness services like the Welcome Organisation's out-of-hours services will be cut.

The Welcome Organisation's chairperson Jude Whyte said the charity was using a women's refuge as a "make shift" drop-in centre during the day instead of its former premises.

Pacemaker The exterior of the Welcome Organisation building with a burned garage door which is warped as a worker in a maroon polo shirt surveys the damagePacemaker

The charity's west Belfast premise was "significantly damaged" in an arson attack last week

"The drop-in centre is closed indefinitely, it's just too dangerous for our service users and staff to go back," he said.

He said the organisation was urgently looking for new premises in a non-residential area, but a big question remains - where can it go?

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