I'm a recruitment expert… here's five things you must do to stop your job being replaced by AI

10 months ago 130

Generation Z workers and workers and younger will exist in a very different world, where humans work alongside machines.

DailyMail.com have previously reported on how at least 20 jobs are at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence.

That means that the future workforce have to excel at different things - including constant reinvention, and being noticed in the office, said Jim Moore, employment expert at HR consultants Hamilton Nash.

Moore said: ‘Elon Musk's recent claim that AI will create a future of no jobs will have struck fear into the hearts of many workers.

Below, Moore reveals his strategy for showing you're more valuable than a computer program.

How do you stop a robot from taking your job? (Rob Waugh/Midjourney)

‘A report by Goldman Sachs suggested that AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs, and roles in the copywriting, voiceover and call center industries have already been affected,' Moore added.

But it's not the first time that people have been worried about technology taking their jobs. 

Automation in the manufacturing sector means that cars are no longer assembled by humans, with robots now doing the majority of the work. 

However, even in those sectors where automation has swept in, you still find people working alongside machines.’

Reinvent yourself regularly

Jim Moore, employment expert at HR consultants Hamilton Nash (Hamilton Nash)

For Gen Z workers, it’s inevitable they will reskill multiple times during their lives - and the AI revolution will turbo-charge that.

To stay ahead of the game, avoid roles that are repetitive and lacking creativity, and focus on building your skillset, Moore said.

He said: ‘We need to face the fact that AI is a reality, and it’s not going away any time soon.

There's never been cast iron job security, even before AI came along, so it’s important to become cross-trained and involved in other areas of your workplace.

‘Baby boomers might have had the comfort of working for one company for their whole lives, but Gen Z employees will be used to the idea that they will have multiple careers over the course of their working life.

'Take the time to develop and adapt your skillset. Research your field to stay ahead of trends. It will take some intellectual elbow grease, but reinventing yourself regularly is a good way to remain marketable and relevant in a hybrid workforce of man and machine.’

Speak up in meetings and get noticed

No matter how powerful AI systems become, people will still want to deal with people - as in the old sales mantra ‘people buy from people’.

That means that knowing people and getting to know people who you do business with has never been more important.

Moore said, ‘We’re more likely to keep working with people with whom we have a rapport, so building relationships with customers is what will keep them coming back.

‘The bricks-and-mortar stores that have withstood the migration of business online are often the ones that offer great personalized customer experience.

‘In the same way, the cold and clinical efficiency of AI doesn't earn loyalty from human customers in the same way that person-to-person relationships do.’

Start using AI tools before you are asked to

Being proactive and embracing tools such as ChatGPT and MidJourney can help to make workers ‘future-proof’, Moore said.

Moore said, ‘Your natural instinct might be to fight against AI, and try to push back against any attempts to use the technology at the place where you work.

‘But a smart employee will do the opposite, and start using the technology before they’re asked to.

‘Artificial intelligence is a tool – like spreadsheets and calculators and pencil sharpeners – and you can use it to enhance your own skills and capabilities.

‘Learn how to use AI systems like ChatGPT and you can write reports faster. You can ask it to generate ten ideas for a meeting and then pick the three best ones.

‘Taking advantage of AI will give you a superpower in the workplace. You’ll be freed from doing the grunt work, giving yourself more time to spend on the creative ideas that only the human touch can provide.

Focus on what AI CAN’T do

Workers should build up communication, collaboration and leadership skills, as these attributes cannot currently be replicated by AI, said Jim Moore, employment expert at HR consultants Hamilton Nash.

Moore said, ‘AI is great at processing data and automating tasks, but if you ask ChatGPT whether it wants a cup of tea or coffee, it will admit it doesn’t have personal tastes because it’s just a computer program.

‘Its lack of human judgement and critical thinking skills mean that it can't make decisions, let alone complex ones.’

Show your boss how things could work better

An area where generative AI software can’t compete with human beings is being able to make decisions, Moore said.

Showing that you are capable of making decisions (particularly in interpersonal skills) can help you survive the AI age, Moore advised.

He said, ‘Look around the workplace and ask yourself how things could be done better. Break down problems, analyse them, and come up with effective solutions that will impress your boss.AI also lacks emotional intelligence, creativity, and interpersonal skills.

‘So work on your skills in these areas and look for roles in your workplace where they are valued.

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