New survey reveals AI could drive humans to extinction - and top researchers say it would happen by dangerous groups engineering viruses, rulers controlling populations, or threatening economic inequality

9 months ago 62

Many tech experts have warned that AI is on a path of destruction, but a new survey of top researchers has quantified the chances of it causing human extinction.

A team of international scientists asked 2,778 AI experts about the future of the systems, with five percent reporting the tech will lead to collapse.

But, a far more frightening estimation came from one in 10 researchers who said there’s a shocking 25 percent chance that AI will destroy the human race.

The experts cited three possible causes: AI allowing threatening groups to make powerful tools, like engineered viruses, 'authoritarian rulers using AI to control their populations and AI systems worsening economic inequality by disproportionately benefiting certain individuals.' 

Nearly half of the researchers surveyed said there is a 10 percent chance that AI will destroy humanity 

Artificial intelligence regulation control is the only answer to protecting humans, and if AI isn't regulated, researchers estimated that there is a 10 percent chance that machines will outperform humans in all tasks by 2027, - but it would increase to a 50 percent chance by 2047.

The survey asked experts about four specific occupations that would become fully automatable, including truck drivers, surgeons, retail salespeople, and AI researchers, receiving the response that there is a 50 percent chance AI will fully takeover by the year 2116.

'It's an important signal that most AI researchers don't find it strongly implausible that advanced AI destroys humanity,' Katja Grace, one of the study's authors, told NewScientist.

'I think this general belief in a non-minuscule risk is much more telling than the exact percentage risk,' she added.

Roughly 58 percent of researchers were more optimistic about AI's takeover, saying there's only a five percent chance it would cause human extinction.

The United Nations (UN) has already shared warnings of terrorist groups using AI for malicious intent, saying it will become yet another tool to add to their arsenal.

The study asked researchers a series of questions to gauge how likely it is that AI will destroy humanity 

'With a proven track record in the world of cybercrime, [AI] is a powerful tool that could conceivably be employed to further or facilitate terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism, by, for instance, providing new modalities for physical attacks with drones or self-driving cars, augmenting cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, or enabling the spread of hate speech and incitement to violence in a faster and more efficient way,' UN Director Antonia Marie De Meo said in a UN report.

This comes as AI contributed to 37 percent of workers being replaced by AI in 2023, according to a report by ResumeBuilder.

Hundreds of experts, including OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman and Google DeepMind chief executive Demis Hassabis, issued a one-sentence statement in May of last year, demanding more AI control and regulation.

'Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,' the statement said.

Dan Hendrycks, the executive director of the Center for AI Safety, said in a separate statement at the time: 'As stated in the first sentence of the signatory page, there are many 'important and urgent risks from AI,' not just the risk of extinction; for example, systemic bias, misinformation, malicious use, cyberattacks, and weaponization.'

Even the 'Godfather of AI,' Geoffrey Hinton, said he regrets creating AI, although he told The New York Times: 'I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn't done it, somebody else would have.'

There is still substantial uncertainty about the long-term impact of artificial intelligence, and the study acknowledged that 'forecasting is hard, even for experts.'

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