Warning to iPhone users who keep smartphones in the bathroom while showering

1 month ago 14


Published: 14:35 GMT, 14 January 2025 | Updated: 15:08 GMT, 14 January 2025

A warning has been issued to iPhone users who bring their smartphones in the bathroom while showering.

A woman named Andi made a disturbing discovery after removing her iPhone case.

'A little PSA,' she said in a TikTok video. 'I usually take this phone for the shower to listen to music while I'm taking a shower.'

Without saying much more, Andi held up a rosy-pink, leathery empty phone case speckled with black mold.

Leaving your iPhone in a bathroom to shower can lead to mold growth on the case due to the high humidity from the steam, which creates a perfect environment for mold to thrive.

Not only can fungus grow inside the case, but users have found steam also damages the device's internal hardware, even if it is water-resistant.

Viewers of Andi's video had mixed feelings about her discovery with some saying she wasn't ever cleaning the case, while others said they needed to check their own iPhone case 'right now.'

One commenter shared: 'Do u drop it? Because I have the same case and never had that happen to me in all the years.'

A woman has shared a 'PSA' about taking your iPhone into the bathroom while showering

Andi shared the 15-second video on TikTok, where she appeared baffled by the mold inside her case.

A commenter on Andi's video wrote: 'I think your bathroom may have some ventilation issues you should get checked out.'

'My phone has never gotten that dirty even without proper full-on cleaning, so Idk what you be doing to it,' another shared.

But Andi is not the only Apple user who has experienced the issue.

On the Apple website community discussions page, a user posted a picture of a tan phone case covered with a dark mold and titled the post, 'Mold on Apple Leather Phone Case.'

'I would like to know if any of you guys here have encountered a problem where mold and fungus grew on their Apple leather case...It might be because I do have sweaty palms, but really, did I buy a $50 case just to grow fungus at home,' they shared.

Leather is an organic and porous material that easily absorbs and traps moisture, creating an ideal environment for mold growth when exposed to damp and humid conditions - such as residual steam from a shower.

While the material is not stated specifically in the video, Andi's case also has a leather-like appearance.

Andi took off her iPhone case to find it was teeming with black mold. She admitted to always taking her phone into the bathroom while showering to listen to music

'Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, providing moisture is present,' according to the Environmental Protection Association (EPA).

More specifically, black mold that appears in the shower is caused by high humidity and lack of ventilation.

With or without a phone case, experts on mold claim that, 'Mold can grow in every area, including electronic equipment. As long as there is moisture, there is the chance of mold.'

Proper ventilation in a bathroom (such as a fan or an open window) can ward off mold growth.

Black mold can be both toxic and non-toxic, even though most people assume all black mold is harmful. 

While exposure to either can result in the manifestation of similar symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and runny nose, toxic black mold can have serious health consequences.

Exposure to the fungus can cause things like asthma and respiratory issues.

Identifying the difference can be difficult, but toxic black mold is said to have a more potent smell and potentially slimy appearance. 

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